Select your dates below and book your stay at Wahwahtaysee Resort. You may choose which tent you would like to stay in, subject to availability.
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In response to COVID-19, all precautions are being made to disinfect all surfaces and linens in between guests.
Wahwahtaysee Resort is a self check in property. You will receive a welcome email with detailed instructions at the time of booking.
Check in beings at 3 PM and check out is 10 AM.
Children are permitted and all of our tents have a queen sleeper sofa to help accommodate them. The two bedroom tents have an additional queen bedroom.
Dogs are allowed for an additional $50 per night fee for one and $75 per night fee for two.
We currently have seven safari tents which feature a king sized bed and a queen sleeper sofa. The one bedroom tents are a four person occupancy. The two bedroom tents are six person occupancy.
Our rates for the one bedroom tents is $350/night + tax for weekdays, and $450/night + tax for weekends.
Our rate for the two bedroom tent is $450/night + tax on weekdays, and $550/night + tax for weekends.
We have one container cabin, named the Dragonfly with a king sized bed and a regular sofa. Our rates are $295/night + tax for weekdays, and $350/night + tax for weekends. The cabin is two person occupancy. Small children are allowed with approval from Wahwahtaysee Resort.
You can cook your own meals on the provided Big Green Egg or Gas Grill, or order from our menu and your items will be delivered to the provided Yeti cooler at your tent.
Wahwahtaysee Resort is located on over 100 acres with three quarters of a mile of river frontage on the San Marcos River. You will drive to the river on the provided golf cart. Please bring your own water shoes and floats (if you’d like to have them) to fully enjoy the river.
Please read our FAQ for any further questions.